Tag: Technology

Diving board with a pool of code.
11 mins

TrustedServer: Deep dive into the security of our server tech

We discuss for the first time some of the many ways our innovative server system works to protect user privacy.
Servers with a speedometer.
3 mins

ExpressVPN is even faster with new 10Gbps servers

We’re making huge upgrades to our hardware to enable both faster connections for our customers and faster improvements by our engineers.
Laptop with a brick wall.
3 mins

How it works: Firewalls explained

In engineering and architecture, firewalls will stop the spread of the flames and contain the damage. Server firewalls follow the same rules.
magnifying glass question mark encryption
2 mins

What your ISP sees when you use VPN

VPNs will protect your traffic, but how so? We take a look at how your connection appears from an internet provider's perspective.
12 keys form a rectangle
3 mins

Perfect forward secrecy (PFS) explained

ExpressVPN uses perfect forward secrecy to make VPN connections resistant to hacks, protecting your data from past to future.
A teddy bear, a padlock, and a windup car.
1 min

Our TikTok series: Explaining VPNs with toddler toys

Watch our short videos—and follow us!
A certificate with a slash through it.
6 mins

Why we’d never install a Trusted Root CA on your device

What is a Trusted Root CA, what could go wrong if a VPN company installs its own, and why we won’t ever do so.
An app icon with a power symbol and a heart notification.
2 mins

32 small ways to improve your relationship with tech

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with technology. Here are ways to ensure your tech serves you, rather than the other way around.
A birthday cake made up of code with candles.
1 min

Quiz: What is your technological age?

Take our quiz and we'll tell you how old you are based on your tech use, knowledge, and attitudes.
VR goggles in the metaverse.
3 mins

The metaverse explained: Definition, examples, and how it works

It’s mentioned everywhere—but what does the metaverse even mean? Here’s everything you should know about the latest tech buzzword.

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9 mins
4 mins

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