ExpressVPN news

See your IP address.
3 mins

How IP checkers work and why they’re sometimes wrong

IP checkers look like they're magic, but sometimes they're way off the mark. How much information do they really know about you?
What is the Sweet 32 problem?
5 mins

Sweet 32 exploits the birthday problem but ExpressVPN won’t be at the party

What are the chances two people at a party share a birthday? ExpressVPN explains the birthday problem and looks at how Sweet 32 exploits it.
ExpressVPN Scholarship winners!
4 mins

ExpressVPN proudly announces the winners of the first annual Future of Privacy Scholarship!

ExpressVPN announces the winners of our first Future of Privacy Scholarship. Competition was fierce, so well done to all entrants!
Get a Linux VPN
1 min

ExpressVPN for Linux is here and it’s totally rad!

For years ExpressVPN has had apps available on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS operating systems, but today we’re pleased to announce Linux users can...
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Win up to $2,500 in scholarship money from ExpressVPN! Raise Awareness around Internet Privacy and Security As more students are bringing their Internet-ready devices to class, awareness of basic online security and a fundamental...
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Announcing the ExpressVPN app for routers – protect all devices in your home

Wondering how to add an extra boost to your home’s Internet security? ExpressVPN now offers an easy-to-use app for routers. This lets you protect...
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Prizes for privacy: The ExpressVPN Future of Privacy Scholarship

ExpressVPN is proud to announce The ExpressVPN Future of Privacy Scholarship (EFPS), which dedicates action and resources to students in high schools and graduate...
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Calling all Android users! ExpressVPN 5.0 for Android is now available

ExpressVPN for Android has always been great, but now it’s even better! We’re excited to announce the release of ExpressVPN 5.0 for Android! The newest...
ExpressVPN logo.
1 min

Why there won’t be an ExpressVPN lifetime subscription

At ExpressVPN, service excellence is paramount. We’ve made a commitment: No marketing gimmicks and no skimping on the quality of service. Ever. You get the...
1 min

Attention, iOS users: ExpressVPN 5.0.1 is now available and it’s awesome!

**For the latest update, please visit the iOS page.** Great news, everyone! Our latest iOS release is here! We’ve added a lot of great new...

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