Tag: Encryption

12 keys form a rectangle
3 mins

Perfect forward secrecy (PFS) explained

ExpressVPN uses perfect forward secrecy to make VPN connections resistant to hacks, protecting your data from past to future.
7 mins

What is off-the-record messaging (OTR)?

OTR practices deniable authentication, making it impossible for an eavesdropper to tell solely from encrypted messages who is communicating with whom.
Pretty Good Privacy
12 mins

How to set up and use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

Learn how to use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) to encrypts files, emails, text, and even disks.
VPN with a question mark.
4 mins

The internet is safer now—but a VPN is still essential protection

The internet is a far more encrypted place than it was 10 years ago, but privacy and security experts still recommend a VPN for most users.
Phone mobile hotspot.
3 mins

How to keep your mobile hotspot secure

Connecting to the internet using a portable router or hotspots created with your phone? There are easy ways to protect those connections.
Protect your device.
3 mins

Tips to safeguard your privacy before a device repair

Handing your device over for repairs can be nerve-racking. Here are ways to keep your files, personal information, and images safe.
Building facade with columns and an eye.
4 mins

Government hacking: How countries surveil their own citizens

There have been numerous incidents in which governments have broken into encrypted apps. This puts your privacy at risk and raises cybersecurity concerns.
And eggplant with a lock covering it.
5 mins

How to hide your sensitive pictures

We’re not judging your naked selfies or NSFW pictures. But here’s how to hide them on your iPhone or Android, or in secure cloud storage.
Magnifying glass over a computer keyboard.
1 min

To log in, just type. How typing biometrics makes life easier

The way you type is unique, and it might soon become a convenient method to authenticate your identity when you sign in to your accounts.
Eye in a cloud.
5 mins

What your internet service provider knows from your online traffic

If you don't encrypt your online traffic, your ISP can potentially see everything. Let’s fix that.

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