Tag: Netflix

Streaming services for kids watching a screen.
21 mins

Ranked: Best streaming sites for kids in 2024

Not surprisingly, Disney+ takes the top spot.
4 mins

What to know about Netflix’s ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’

Get to know the characters better before the show premieres February 22, 2024.
10 mins

A look back at the biggest streaming trends of 2023

Throwback to all those late-night binges!
10 mins

Netflix and play: How to unlock Netflix’s free games

It’s a little-known fact that Netflix offers dozens of mobile games, free to the service’s subscribers—from cooking with SpongeBob to a 'Stranger Things' tie-in.
A TV with symbols from top shows of 2022.
4 mins

Streaming in 2022: A year of superlatives

We take a look back at the incredible year of streaming that was 2022. Find out which shows were top performers each month.
A pencil erasing the user interface of Netflix.
4 mins

How to delete your Netflix history

Don’t want your friends and family to see what you’ve been watching?
4 mins

Netflix, Facebook, and Instagram, but for kids?

Some of the biggest tech companies like Netflix and Meta are creating versions of their platforms for young children. Good idea/bad idea?
2016 top privacy movies
7 mins

Edward Snowden, Captain America, and privacy in the reel world

What do a former U.S. government contractor, an amnesiac spy, a super soldier with a large “A” on his...
A VPN will make your internet better for cats
2 mins

5 ways a VPN will make your internet better (with added...

There are two indisputable truths about the internet; cats own it, and a VPN will improve it. With that in...
europe makes life harder for netflix
3 mins

How the EU made life harder for Netflix

Netflix made waves earlier this year when it announced streaming services in an additional 130 countries. Suddenly whole new...

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